Thursday, December 20, 2018

Did you ever start a new job? A new career? What was it like?
When you read the book, you’ll find out what it was like for Brandy’s first day on the job, with this excerpt from Chapter Five:


The first night on the new job, she broke three beer mugs, learned the difference between scotch and whiskey, and earned seven coins in tips. After being on the streets, Brandy thought she had landed in paradise.

Soon she was working harder than ever. She learned how to juggle multiple glasses in each hand without breaking them. And on her best nights, she earned fifty coins in tips.

She learned how to keep the men at arm’s length. She learned that a “thank you” and a smile goes a long way. She learned that she could turn down marriage proposals as fast as the sailors could propose them—and she had plenty of opportunities to do just that.

All the while, the bar owner watched—sometimes from behind the bar, sometimes from his office in the back. But he made sure he was always watching.

And Brandy knew he was watching, too. It was his constant vigil over her that gave her the confidence she needed to make it through every shift. She knew—and the sailors knew—that as long as the bar owner was within sight, this was one girl who was going to get away untouched.

“Brandy, you’re a fine girl!” She heard that a hundred times. “What a good wife you would be! Why don’t we settle down and ...”

“Thank you. Another round, sailor?” she would say as she swiped the glass from the man’s hand. “Or are you done for the evening?”

The patron would have a choice. To continue this relationship—as tenuous as it was—meant buying another drink. Or he could hit the street. Two options. They were just as likely to pick one over the other. But that was as far as they were going to get with Brandy.

One drunken Irishman thought he would test the limits...


“Brandy You’re A Fine Girl”, a novel written by Joe DeShon and inspired by the 1972 hit song by Looking Glass, will be available in paperback, Kindle, and Audible formats in Spring, 2019. #BrandyBook

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